Hebrews 10:24-25 ‘And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.’

Galations 6:2 ‘Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.’

FED Group

FED is our young families’ group which meet twice a month and stands for

Families, who Encourage and are Devoted to one another and God.

FED was started as a ministry that recognises the importance of doing life together as part of God's family.

Life can be hectic at times and it's difficult to build deeper relationships through just meeting for a couple of hours each Sunday. FED is a regular dedicated safe space to get to know each other more, to share life experiences, share burdens, to pray for each other and to build our kids’ friendships too.

On the first Friday of the month Paul and Tracy host FED from 6pm ‘til late. Come as you are for some food and enjoy the fellowship while the kids have a ball. We sometimes share advice from ministries including "Care for the Family" but as spirit- led believers we often just let God move through our conversations with each other. Timings are flexible and if you can stay for only a short while...no problem. We're glad you came!

While you're there ... bless and be blessed.

On the 3rd Saturday of each month FED hook up with Kingdom Kids for trips out, usually in the afternoon for a few hours, sometimes finishing back at the church or someone's house for a takeaway.

Be FED real food, be encouraged and be enriched spiritually!